Senior Adults
The eldest church members are a gift to every church community. They offer wisdom and experience; they offer joy and evidence of God's faithfulness; they remind us we never stop growing in faith and God's truth.
Senior Adult Ministry
Our current senior ministry model takes an integenerational approach keeping all adults connected through Sunday School and weekday Bible study (Immerse and Colin Caldwell Men's Bible Study). Additional senior specific activities are available at various times.

Thursdays (August 29 - November 21) at 2:00pm
First Presbyterian Church Library
Using a Christian based book (available for purchase upon signing up) & biblical references, participants will process the journey of grief together--whether the loss of family, a loved one, or friend. Rev. Dr. Nancy Dawson will lead this class having experienced grief in the loss of her parents and husband.
Space is limited. Contact
Canterbury Crew
Canterbury Crew is a senior ministry offering for residents at Westminster Canterbury that strives to strengthen relationships, deepen faith, and enhance the church experience for our church family living there!
Monthly Luncheons
Pastor Peter and other staff join together with residents at Westminster Canterbury for a monthly luncheon on the 4th Thursday of each month (except November) at 11:45am!
Canterbury Crew
The Canterbury Crew weekly offering will not meet this fall. When in session, we gather to sing, pray, and celebrate God's grace with one another. If you have a prayer request to share, we are still here for you, call the church office or email Marcia.

If you'd like to learn more about our Senior Ministry activities or Canterbury Crew, contact