Covenant Giving

"God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8

It is out of the abundance that God has given and blessed us with as individuals and as a church family that we are commited to sharing His abundance in worship & education, with outreach, and through our facility and staff resources. We are commmitted to giving our time, talents, and skills, offering our presence, prayers, and participation, and giving financially. Through sharing in these three areas, First Presbyterian Church can continue to celebrate God's grace and inspire the next generation for Christ in both the year ahead and the many years to come!

YOU are invited to give abundantly of yourselves through a commitment toward the 2025 life and ministries of the FPCLY church community. Are YOU in?

Make your 2025 commitment by completing the Covenant Giving commitment card (linked to the right or mailed to your home) and bringing it to the church (hand delivery, offering basket, or mailed with a stamp all work).  If you have misplaced your packet or would like to receive one, please email We are the body of Christ - every part is important and every part is needed to share God's light and love with one another, our community, and the world.


Share your time, talents, prayers, and participation!

We have an array of opportunities for you to connect and engage at FPCLY and support our shared mission of celebrating God's grace and inspiring the next generation for Christ.  Linked to the left is a listing of many of those opportunities. We encourage you to prayerfully consider the time and skills God has given you and take the step to share them with the church community!  If you would like to learn more about an area or are ready to jump you, let us know by email ( or phone (434-384-6231) or contact one of our Session members. Once we know, we can get you plugged in!

Share your financial gifts and resources!

Click the button below to give with a credit card!  Make a one-time gift, a Covenant Giving contribution, give to a specific event or mission, or give a gift in memory or honor of someone!

Use your phone or tablet to make recurring or one-time gifts to FPCLY.  Simply go to the App Store or Google Play on your phone and download the "Vanco Mobile Faith" app!

Mail your gift directly to FPCLY!

1215 V.E.S. Road
Lynchburg, VA 24503

Add FPCLY as a payee on your bank account bill pay or set up an automatic, electronic bank draft from your bank account!

Make your financial gift to FPCLY via a stock or bond transfer!  Contact Susan Hall in the church office (434-384-6231) to get set up today!

Give your gift at one of our worship gatherings on Sundays!  Place your cash or check in the offering baskets/plates.

Our Mission

Celebrating God’s grace, Inspiring the next generation for Christ… each and every day!!!

Contact Us

1215 V.E.S. Road, Lynchburg, VA 24503

Phone: (434) 384-6231


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