
We have temporarily moved worship to the Fellowship Hall (in the back of the building) starting Sunday, August 18 through November. We have shifted the worship location due to an ongoing construction project in our Sanctuary during 2024.  For more details on that project, click here!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Sunday AM Schedule Change

After receiving a great deal of congregational input from the survey sent out in July and prayerfully assessing many options over the last couple of months, the Session voted on October 6th to change the Sunday morning schedule of opportunities at FPCLY.  Beginning Sunday, November 24, 2024, our main congregational worship will begin at 10:45 am with a time of fellowship preceding at 10:15 am. All Sunday School classes will conclude on November 17 and plan resume at 9:30 am starting January 5, 2025. A listing of all classes, times, and locations will be available toward the end of the year. The Session would like to express gratitude to you for your patience during this discernment process.  In considering various schedule possibilities, the Session’s primary focus was on being sure to include congregational worship, congregational fellowship, and spiritual growth opportunities, as all three (alongside outreach/mission) are vitally important in being the church Christ calls us to be. As the doors of the church swing wide, we pray all of you, and anyone else we have yet to meet, will be able to connect and engage in the life and ministries of God’s church here at FPCLY.

Your chance to serve as an usher or greeter is here!

"Sunday mornings are awesome at First Presbyterian Church!  The worship is powerful.  The Spirit is alive.  And the people are joyful and welcoming!"

You can support the Sunday morning experience by serving as one of those welcoming faces that greet people at the door as an usher or greeter!  Click the button below to sign up and serve!


Infants, Toddlers, and Children

All children are welcome at FPC… no ifs, ands, or buts about it!

  • Nursery is available for children three and under from 9:00am to 12:00pm in Room 8 on the Ground Floor. Staff will be there to greet you and help you in any way you need.
  • Children are invited to experience worship with their families.  We encourage you to visit our Spiritual Growth Worship Carts found in the Narthex just before you enter the Sanctuary. The carts have books, tools to help with memorization, puzzles, and other educational items for children to work on while in worship!

During worship, children are invited up front for a special Children’s Moment prior to the message.  After the Children's Moment, we offer an educational opportunity called Worship Workshop for children (4 years old through 2nd grade) to help them learn about worship elements, become familiar with Bible stories and characters, and develop spiritually in an engaging, age-appropriate way. All children are brought back to the Narthex following Worship, unless otherwise noted.

Hearing impaired? Sensitive vision?

In the Narthex, we have hearing devices and large print hymnals available for use.  Please see an usher to assist you with these items.

 Our front entrance and Sanctuary are located on one level for easy manuevering of wheelchairs or walkers.  We have a new, outside ramp that goes directly into the Sanctuary near the main church entrance.  Inside the Sanctuary, the side and middle aisles are wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair or walker.  Please let an usher know if you need assistance.




The Lord's Supper

The Lord's Supper

Our Mission

Celebrating God’s grace, Inspiring the next generation for Christ… each and every day!!!

Contact Us

1215 V.E.S. Road, Lynchburg, VA 24503

Email: info@fpcly.org
Phone: (434) 384-6231


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