Rooted and Reaching Campaign

Project Updates

FPCLY has been an anchor of faith in Lynchburg for over 200 years! It is our desire to continue to be an anchor in this community for 200 more and into the years beyond. To do that, we desire to make renovations to preserve our steeple and historic organ, to provide additional support to local community benevolences and our very own FPC Weekday School, to update our infrastructure, and to build our endowment.  We believe it will take the prayers and support of our entire FPCLY community to help us get there!

Check out the section below for updates and photos of the progress of the projects included in our Rooted and Reaching Campaign!

As we are ROOTED in our past and history and ROOTED in our devotion to our Savior, so also are we REACHING for the future and all God offers us and all that we might offer others.

Keep up with the progress of our "Rooted & Reaching" Campaign!

$2,751,080 pledged
% of funds received

Project Updates



The construction of the replacement steeple began in December 2020 by Campbellsville Industries in Kentucky. The old steeple was removed the first week of April 2021 in collaboration with Jamerson-Lewis Construction and Commercial Steel Erection, Inc. (CSE). What an eventful few days that was. The rest of April the construction team rebuilt and strengthened the foundation of the base in preparation of the replacement steeple, which was installed the first week of May 2021! In June, we celebrated and dedicated the new steeple with beautiful worship!


In December 2020, we signed the official renovation contract with Foley-Baker, Inc in Connecticut. April 6 & 7, 2021, two members of the FB team spent two full days in the organ chambers taking measurements, locating wind chests, and better understanding the chamber space. They took this information back to their offices to build a detailed production plan. In February 2022, the F-B team was at FPCLY for three weeks removing the 3,500 organ pipes, chests, and console that comprised the Möller pipe organ. They took all the pieces back up to Connecticut where they will work on securing new pipes and equipment, refurbish some old equipment and put the whole unit together before a re-installation in 2023. From February to August 2022, many sub-contractors in Lynchburg have been working on their small part to prepare the space for the organ to be placed. Both the left and right chambers have been beautifully dry-walled and are ready for paint. The chancel is being prepped for placement of the new console by filling in the old console pit and cutting and framing the new console space in the front of the chancel. You may have seen some of this progress with our "4th of July" tent and caution tape at recent worship services. Two new, small wind lines are being installed to supply extra wind for some of the largest (and loudest!) pipes. In the fall of 2022, many behind the scenes projects took place to prepare the Sanctuary space: Foley-Baker came back to install the NEW antiphonal pipes in the rear of the Sanctuary and install the NEW blowers in the blower room, the old pit was filled in, and the space for the new console was leveled and measured for new woodwork. As we started 2023, new flooring was placed on the raised up, old console pit and new flooring was placed where the new console will rest. Cory Whittier, Director of Music, also took a journey up to Connecticut to see the progress in the shop and took a “tour” of the new organ components: the new console intricately designed to match the architecture of the Sanctuary, the 3,500 pipes delicately voiced to work together for optimum sound, and the “chasis” intentionally crafted to fit the organ chambers at FPCLY! In the month of March, a woodworking team installed the wood trim that will surround the new console.

Over the months of May and June, the Foley-Baker company continued work on the organ project, finalizing all mechanical elements of the organ. This includes the completed chassis (where the pipes sit and wind is pumped into chests), the voicing of pipes, finishing of the console and making final preparations for their return trips to Lynchburg!

An eight-man team from Foley-Baker and a large tractor trailer arrived in Lynchburg on July 11; the trailer was FULL of pieces, pipes, tools, and equipment needed to put our new organ back together, like humpty dumpty.  For three weeks, the Sanctuary and Narthex have been construction zones and filled with the trailer contents as the group has diligently and faithfully worked on installing what they can during this visit.  The chambers have been carefully filled with framing, chest components, mechanical pieces, and some of the larger pipes.  Doug, the lead project manager, is pleased with their progress for this visit and says they are on track. The remaining installation visit dates are August 14-September 1, September 18-29, and October 2-13 (for pipe tuning).

Throughout the fall of 2023, the Foley Baker team completed all the construction components of installation including wind chests, 3,392 pipes, and the playing console.  In October, the organ made its official worship debut while awaiting the tonal finishing and final tuning by different members of the Foley-Baker team.  We are so blessed to have this completed instrument back for worship and music events! Click here to hear the first postlude from worship on October 15, 2023


Parking Lot Paving and Sidewalk Resurfacing: COMPLETED

Phase one renovations to the back sidewalks and parking lot were completed in July 2021. Drainage lines were re-routed for proper drainage, new sidewalk cement was poured in front of the Weekday School entrance, and a more handicapped accessible entrance to the Fellowship Hall was added. Afterwards, the whole parking lot was milled and paved! Phase two renovations to the front parking lot were completed in November/December 2021. Multiple curbs were removed and replaced with zero entry platform to accommodate better accessibility for wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers; slats of broken sidewalk pieces were replaced and smoothed; and the main part of the parking lot was totally repaved.
new front entrance to a church with charcoal and red colored concrete
newly paved church driveway and circle in the winter sunlight

ALL phases for the sidewalks and parking lot renovations are almost complete.  In October 2022, teams spent weeks on the sidewalks at the front entrance replacing the bricks with colored concrete, pouring new concrete sidewalks along the side of the Sanctuary and the front part of the building, building a handicapped ramp into the Sanctuary, and creating a zero entry sidewalk opening at the front corner of the church.  In addition, in November, the front circle and main driveway were milled and repaved with fresh asphalt.  Phases three and four greatly increase the safety of our main driveway and church entrance as well as allow for better handicapped accessibility.  Parking lines for the main driveway have been painted and and the handrails for the handicapped ramp into the Sanctuary have been installed!



External Wayfinding signage was installed in June 2021. Internal Wayfinding signs were installed on the walls in the church hallways and outside office and classroom doors in late 2021 and early 2022. This signage will help all church guests (first time or long standing) find their way through the parking lots and around the inside of the church building. New vinyl-tile flooring was installed in the Weekday School hallways, classrooms, and stair landings in April 2022 giving the school a softer floor, a more updated look, and more cost effective maintenance! New tile flooring was also added to the men's and women's bathrooms on the main floor and two stairwells in the church part of the building in May 2022. This tile is also more updated and much easier to clean and maintain making it more cost effective!
new white and gold flecked flooring on the stairwells at the church
new white and gold flecked tiles on a bathroom floor
new flooring laid on the hallway floor
new flooring in a hexagonal pattern

The fall of 2022 also saw the completion of the long overdue exterior painting of the entire church building which protects us from peeling paint, weathered windows and frames, and enhances the overall exterior of the building!

2023 will see critical upgrades to multiple bathrooms on the Weekday School. If time and resources allow, updates will be made to the Narthex kitchen or Chapel lighting.  The Facilities Committee continues in conversation on these projects.

weathered window sill filled with peeling paint
freshly painted window sill


Church ministry centers around the development and growth of relationships over time. With this in mind, our campaign resources for ministry support will focus on investing in full-time staff members to help encourage and inspire relationship building through education and outreach opportunities. Two full time staff members were hired in September 2021! Alex Collier will serve as our Director of Outreach and Marcia Thom-Kaley will serve as our Director of Educational Ministries! Click on their names to learn more about them!

As Director of Outreach, Alex has continued to work hard at building relationships and making connections within the walls of FPCLY and in the Lynchburg community. He has also taught us more about our call to be in relationship with one another and encouraged more opportunities for us to love our neighbors. Alex has played a vital role in organizing monthly Fellowship Potluck dinners, supporting our first mission team to Malawi in 3 years, organizing IMPACT week, and leading the way in encouraging us to encounter our faith in deeper, more meaningful ways as we experience love for all our neighbors! We look forward to how we can continue to be the Church to the world by serving others!


Marcia, as Director of Educational Ministries, has been hard at work developing new and deepening existing educational opportunities for people of all ages and stages to learn, grow, and draw closer to God. The College Cares ministry has grown to include over 11 participants with intergenerational connections with the middle and high school youth and the Presbyterian Women.  Over the last few months, Marcia has been instrumental in leading Sunday School programming for all ages, bringing back Youth Sunday and Bible distributions, and being the master chef for our Food Truck Party VBS with over 110 children and 60 volunteers.  We're excited for her continued leadership as we move through the spring!



We are in the planning stages of how to best foster benevolence relationships using this portion of the campaign support.

Building the Endowment

Decisions concerning the endowment will not be made until all other projects of the campaign have been estimated and are under way.

If you are new to the FPCLY community or haven't made a pledge to the Rooted and Reaching Campaign and would like to or would like to learn more, we invite you to reach out to Kathryn Pumphrey, our campaign chair.  She would be glad to talk with you about the campaign and how your gift will help FPCLY continue to celebrate God's grace and inspire the next generation for Christ!

We are incredibly thankful and grateful for you--the many hands that have participated in this campaign through focus groups, serving on a committee, committing to a pledge, or sharing the opportunity with others.  Together, we will change the world!

Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15: 4-5

Our Mission

Celebrating God’s grace, Inspiring the next generation for Christ… each and every day!!!

Contact Us

1215 V.E.S. Road, Lynchburg, VA 24503

Phone: (434) 384-6231


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