Missionary Partners

Missionary Partners


Did you know that First Presbyterian has a long history of supporting PCUSA missionaries and their work throughout the world? We have faithfully and diligently provided financial support to these dedicated persons and their families through our Service & Outreach Committee for more than 40 years. The opportunity to build relationships and encourage missionaries who are living and serving in mission fields is powerful.

Michael and Rachel Ludwig

Michael and Rachel Ludwig - Niger

For over 5 years, FPCLY came alongside Michael and Rachel Ludwig and their family as they engulfed themselves in community development measures in Niger, Africa.  Michael worked with pastors in developing their skills of literacy, sharing the word, and educating their community on important health measures.  Rachel helped educate the family’s three children as well as step into leading women’s ministry programs.  At the end of 2021, they completed their term as international missionaries.  We were blessed to serve alongside them in mission!


Jim and Jodi McGill

Jim McGill (Livingstonia Water Project) - Niger

Jim and his family were previously in Malawi working with indigenous community members to provide viable safe water options, clean water education, and trainings.  Over his many years in Malawi, Jim and his family have faithfully served and empowered the Malawian people on practices to improve their health through clean water and hygiene.  In 2019, his family was transferred to Niger to take what he has learned about clean water practices in impoverished communities in Malawi and share it elsewhere.

Click Here to Learn More about Jim's Mission

Our Mission

Celebrating God’s grace, Inspiring the next generation for Christ… each and every day!!!

Contact Us

1215 V.E.S. Road, Lynchburg, VA 24503

Email: info@fpcly.org
Phone: (434) 384-6231


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